Classic Star Wars FTW

Allegiance (Star Wars)Allegiance by Timothy Zahn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Excellent work from Timothy Zahn, as always. He has a delightful blend of intrigue, humor, and action that keeps the pages turning, and it plays out well in this book as with his others.

I will note that there were, perhaps, too many characters in the book. Some of them were not as fleshed out as they could have been. Even so, the book flowed together well and even managed a few twists that couldn’t be nailed down until the very end.

I also enjoyed the expert use of irony as Zahn foreshadowed events of the films and stories to come in the characters’ future; this was especially noticeable with the relationship between Han and Leia, as well as with herein-Captain Ozzel’s impending demise.

All in all, a very enjoyable book and a great addition to the Expanded Universe (not to mention its classic Original Trilogy setting).

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