Four Fast Fomentations to a Fuller Faith

Pick Up Your Cross and Follow Me: Catholic Discipleship - Becoming a Disciple of ChristPick Up Your Cross and Follow Me: Catholic Discipleship – Becoming a Disciple of Christ by Dcn Ralph Poyo
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a quick one-shot book to remind you of what’s important in your Christian life and–hopefully–to light a fire under you that will make you pursue God all the more.

Deacon Ralph Poyo very quickly (25 pages!) runs through the four pillars of Catholic life: (1) community, (2) prayer, (3) Scripture, and (4) sacraments. Developing yourself in these areas, says Dcn. Ralph, will lead you down a path to stronger faith and a closer relationship with God.

The brevity of the book is one of its strongest points. You don’t need a lot of words to remind people about what’s important in their lives, about what they should be making time for. Even a slow reader can get through this book in under an hour. But it’s pithy. It strikes at the heart of the conversation and challenges the reader to take it seriously. Then there’s a little practical advice, and the last page of the book is reserved for a mark-off sheet for each of the four pillars, to help you get started (and, hopefully, keep going).

Personally, I like a little more meat to my theological reading. There are also more than a few grammatical errors, which is painful in a book so short. I also think that Dcn. Ralph is likely a better presenter than writer; this book reads a little bit like the notes for a fantastic presentation, but we don’t get the presentation, just the notes.

On the whole, I think it works, but that conclusion may be colored by its effectiveness in the men’s group where I read it. It’s not perfect, but it’s a good little book.

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