1What therefore shall [we] say? Should [we] tarry with(persist in)dubitative independent subjunctive error,here and throughout, (sin) in order that grace may be more than enough?(superfluous)a 2Would that it not come to be.here and throughout, (become [so]) Whichever [of us] died [on a particular occasion] to error, how shall [we] still live in it?b 3Or do [you] not perceive(are [you] ignorant) that, as many as were baptizedc into Christ Jesus, [they] were baptized into his death? 4Thereforesome manuscripts: For; others omit [we] were buried together with him through the baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was roused out of [the] dead through the glory of the father, thus also we may walk about in newness of life.d 5For if [we] have become(come into being as) innate with(natural to) the likeness of his death, on the other hand [we] shall also be [innate with the likeness] of the resurrection;e 6knowing this, that our old man was co-crucified,f in order that the body of error might be left idle, in order that we may no longer be enslavedgenitive of purpose with articular infinitive to error; 7for the [one] dying has been justified(vindicated) from the error.g 8But, on the other hand,some manuscripts: For if [we] died with Christ, [we] believe that [we] shall also live with him, knowing that Christ, having been roused out of [the] dead no longer dies, his death no longer is lord [of him].Some translations simply render this, “Death is no longer master over him,” because κυριεύω (“rules”, “is lord”) takes a genitive for its direct object; but word order obviously has αὐτοῦ (“his”) modifying θάνατος (“death”). As usual, the answer is probably that the word is doing double-duty and modifies both. 10For [he] who died, died to error once for all;h but on the other hand, [he] who lives, lives for God.i 11Thus also you, calculate yourselves {to be}The presence or position of this word is disputed. dead to error on the one hand, but on the other hand, living for God in Christ Jesus.some manuscripts: in Christ Jesus our Lord; others omitj
12Let error not reign, therefore, in your mortal body, [leading] unto hearkening to(obeying) its yearnings,some manuscripts: it in its yearningsi.e., do not let sin command you 13and do not stand up your limbs as tools of injustice for error, but stand yourselves up for Godk as if [the] living out of [the] deadl and [stand up] your limbs as tools of justice for God. 14For your error will not reign;m for [you] are not under [the] law, but under grace.
15What therefore? Should [we] err because [we] are not under [the] law but under grace? Would that it not come to be.n 16Do you not know that of the [one] for whom [you] stand yourselves up as slaves [leading] unto obedience,shares root with ὑπακούω, “to hearken” [you] are slaves of the [one] to whom [you] hearken, either truly of error [leading] unto death or of obedience [leading] unto justice?o 17But thankslit. grace [be] to God that [you] were slaves of error, but [you] hearkened to(obeyed) a modellit. a beating / cast of instruction which [you] were taught,lit. handed over 18but having been set free [on a particular occasion] from the error,p [you] were enslaved to justice. 19[I] say a human [thing] on account of the weakness of your flesh. For just as [you] stood up your limbs as slaves to uncleanness and to lawlessness, [leading] unto lawlessness, thus now stand upaorist imperative; as an order, insists that something be done discretely (i.e., “on a particular occasion”) your limbs as slaves to justice, [leading] unto sanctification. 20For because [you] were slaves of error, [you] were free for justice. 21Therefore what fruit were [you] then holding? Upon which [things] [you] are now ashamed,q for the end of those [things] [is] death.r 22But now having been set free from the error, and [rather] having been enslaved to God, [you] have your fruit [leading] unto sanctification, and [you have] the end, eternal life.s 23For the wages of error [are] death, but the favor of God [is] eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord.t
a Should [we] tarry…more than enough: cf. Romans 3:5-8
b Whichever [of us]…live in it: cf. I Peter 4:1
c as many as were baptized: cf. Galatians 3:27
d verse 4: cf. Colossians 2:12
e verse 5: cf. Philippians 3:10-11
f that our old…man was co-crucified: cf. Galatians 5:24
g verse 7: cf. I Peter 4:1
h died to error…once for all: cf. Hebrews 9:26-28; I Peter 3:18
i but on the…lives for God: cf. Galatians 2:19
j verse 11: cf. II Corinthians 5:15; I Peter 2:24
k stand yourselves up for God: cf. Romans 12:1
l as if [the]…of [the] dead: cf. Ephesians 2:5; 5:14
m For your error…will not reign: cf. I John 3:6
n Should [we] err…come to be: cf. Romans 5:17, 21
o verse 16: cf. John 8:34; II Peter 2:19
p but having been…from the error: cf. John 8:32
q Upon which [things]…are now ashamed: cf. Ezekiel 16:61, 63
r for the end…[things] [is] death: cf. Romans 7:5; 8:6, 13
s and [you have]…end, eternal life: cf. I Peter 1:9
t verse 23: cf. Romans 5:12, 15